Quality Management System

Quality education - the path to a successful career

The entry of Almaty Technological University (ATU) into the world scientific and educational space is facilitated by the introduction and maintenance of the "Quality Management System for Educational Activities and Training of Specialists" based on international standards of the ISO 9000 series.

The scope of the QMS applies to educational activities for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate professional education in accordance with the state mandatory standards of higher and higher professional education in specialties and areas in accordance with the field of licensing.

During the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 academic years, work was carried out to develop and implement the quality management system of the Almaty Technological University (QMS ATU).  In October 2005-2006, an international certification audit was conducted at ATU, as a result of which the university was issued the QMS Certificate №40047 of October 27, 2005 by Moody International Certification (Great Britain).

The ATU QMS is maintained by the team in working condition in accordance with the requirements of  ISO 9001:2015 in relation to the current organizational structure of JSC “ATU” and is aimed at creating and maintaining conditions for high-quality training of specialists and, as a result, achieving high financial and economic indicators, has become the object of regular analysis and assessment by senior management, the basis for planning activities and developing personnel motivation systems.

From 2012 to 2023, the quality management system was certified by the Russian Register Certification Association and the International Network of Certification Bodies IQNet.

In December 2023, a certification audit of QMS for compliance with the requirements of MS ISO 9001:2015 was carried out by the United Registrar of Systems Ltd. in Kazakhstan URS-Kazakhstan LLP for obtaining an international certificate.

Certified internal auditors according to ISO 9001:2015

Abzhanova Sholpan
Head of the department FB
Certificate № 3928 от04.2024 у.

Aliyarova Madina
Head of department DIRaAM
Certificate № 3918 от04.2024 у.

Askarbekov Erik
Head of the department TBPaPI
Certificate № 3927 от04.2024 у.

Aidarbek Baubek
Deputy director of SL
Certificate № 3917 от04.2024 у.

Aukhadiyeva Zauresh
Head of the department SaFL
Certificate № 3932 от04.2024 у.

Amirkhanova Moldir
Lead specialist SEQM
Certificate № 3938 от04.2024 у.

Baibolova Lyazzat
Vice – rector for AA
Certificate № 3939 от04.2024 у.

Batkholdin Kaltay
Vice – rector for UW
Certificate № 3938 от04.2024 у.

Dyomina Tatyana
Head of department SEQM
Certificate № 3910 от 09.04.2024 у.

Zholdybayeva Rigina  
Head of department DPR
Certificate № 3914  от 09.04.2024 у.

Zhumatayeva Kalima
Head of department SEaWA
Certificate № 3911 от04.2024 у.

Izembayeva Assel
Deputy dean for AW of FFT
Certificate № 3925 от04.2024 у.

Kalabina Anastassiya
Head of department CIET
Certificate № 3915 от04.2024 у.

Kandidat Meiramgul
Deputy dean for AW of FDTTaC
Certificate № 3930 от04.2024 у.

Karybayeva Gulnaz
Head of the department HMaPh
Certificate № 3933 от04.2024 у.

Kirbetova Zhanar
Deputy dean for AW of FEaB
Certificate № 3922 от04.2024 у.

Kosherbayeva Lyazzat
Head of department DPE
Certificate № 3936 от04.2024 у.

Kusbakova Assel
Head of department SIC
Certificate № 3919 от04.2024 у.

Mukhametzhanova Assel
Head of Archives
Certificate № 3921 от04.2024 у.

Mukhtarkhanova Rauan
Head of department DS
Certificate № 3935 от04.2024 у.

Nabiyeva Zhanar
Director of SRI FS
Certificate № 3937 от04.2024 у.

Omirbekova Aigerim
Head of department SA
Certificate № 3920 от04.2024 у.

Orazalina Dinara
Head of department DQaA
Certificate № 3908 от04.2024 у.

Raimbayeva Nagima
Head of department SAaR
Certificate № 3909 от04.2024 у.

Ruziyeva Elvira
Head of the department AaF
Certificate № 3923 от04.2024 у.

Rustemov Talgat
Deputy chief DIT
Certificate № 3913 от04.2024 у.

Serikkyzy Mira
Project manager «Жас Ғалым»
Certificate № 3941 от04.2024 у.

Suleimenov Daniyar
Head of department SETaA
Certificate № 3912 от 09.04.2024 у.

Tayeva Aigul
Head of the department TFP
Certificate № 3926 от04.2024 у.

Takey Yergengul
Head of the department TPT
Certificate № 3924 от04.2024 у.

Talgatbekova Akmarzhan
Head of the department TaDPaP
Certificate № 3931 от04.2024 у.

Tolekova Bakhtygul
Director of  SL
Certificate № 3916 от 09.04.2024 у.

Tukenova Kapiza
Head of the department SaHD
Certificate № 3934 от04.2024 у.

Uazhanova Raushangul
Head of the department FSaQ
Certificate № 3929 от 09.04.2024 у.




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